
The hot new trend in the world of yoga, aerial takes traditional poses to a whole new level, allowing participants to take on a degree of acrobatics rarely pursued in ordinary workouts. Although this variety of yoga is a better fit for more experienced yogis, it can, with the right modifications, be utilized as a fun and unique workout for yoga novices.

Aerial Style Yoga: The Basics

Essentially, aerial style yoga combines the two disparate areas of aerial artistry and yoga into one amazing workout. To achieve this end, instructors install circus hammocks throughout the studio and incorporate these props into traditional yoga sequences. The result is an increased focus on maintaining balance, and with it, a greater emphasis on core work.

Benefits of Aerial Style Yoga

The benefits of aerial yoga are numerous and, despite the seemingly difficult nature of the activity, can be experienced by a wide array of participants. First and foremost, aerial yoga offers participants a new take on a traditional form of exercise and meditation. As wonderful as yoga is for your physical and mental health, when taken in the same manner for a long period of time, it can ultimately lead to frustrating fitness plateaus. The best way to get past such a lull is to mix it up, either by incorporating new moves into the usual routine or by performing old exercises with an unfamiliar approach. As a revolutionary take on a traditional exercise, aerial yoga provides the motivation necessary to keep you on track as you strive to fulfill your fitness goals.

Who Can Take Aerial Yoga?

Because of the often complicated nature of aerial yoga moves, not to mention the addition of circus hammocks and other props, there are stricter limitations involved in who can and cannot participate in this form of exercise. Aerial yoga is an ideal option for anyone who has taken yoga in the past or is, at the very least, moderately fit. Some of the poses may not work well for those who are injured or physically disabled, although, when taken as private lessons or in a smaller group setting, such participants may be able to get by with personal modifications. Those interested in pursuing aerial style yoga but lacking the requisite fitness level are encouraged to build up their skill level in traditional yoga classes before moving on to the more challenging aerial variety.

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