

bridgeA bridge is a structure that connects two points. Bridges stretch over bodies of water, congested highways and through cities to connect people to each other. Without a bridge, different units that are separated by some sort of mass or space will have trouble working in unison. Bridges create a network that helps people to commute, communicate and work side by side as a singular unit.

There are a lot of different parts of your body. Sometimes, your feet and legs just aren’t communicating correctly with your mind or hands. We trip and fall, we feel sluggish and we experience backaches and other issues as a result of injury and poor posture. Certain yoga poses can help you become more increasingly aware of the different aspects of your body and create a method for you to feel more at home in your own skin.

A Bridge between Your Mind and Body

In yoga, bridge pose encourages blood flow and connects the lower and upper portion of your body into two stabilizing structures. This pose offers a deep stretch for the back, calves and thighs while encouraging blood flow to the brain, which eases tension and stress through the body. In one pose you can strengthen the legs and the mind, bringing the two most distinct aspects of your body together in one motion.

How to Do Bridge Pose

  • Lay with your back on the ground in dead man’s pose.

  • Place your hands at your side so they are palm down near your hips.

  • Bend your knees so your feet are planted firmly on the ground.

  • Take a deep inhale.

  • As you exhale, push your hips into the air. Keep your buttocks firm, but not stiff.

  • Lift your chin away from your sternum so that your chest begins to rise in the air, slightly. Your shoulders will remain firmly on the ground.

Once in bridge pose, hold it for about 30 seconds, then slowly return your hips to the ground. With your knees still bent, move your legs from side to side to relieve any tension, then re-ground your feet and repeat.

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