Svaroopa Yoga

Although yoga remains one of the best means of strengthening both mind and body, it, like other forms of exercise, also holds the potential for long, frustrating plateaus. After you've been attending the same yoga sessions, you're bound to see a leveling off in improvement. And eventually, if your primary focus is on physical improvements, this leveling off may be frustrating enough to negate any mental gains you've accrued. Fortunately, thanks to new and unique takes on the practice, there are plenty of ways to continue challenging yourself while still enjoying the many benefits of traditional yoga.

Hatha yoga no longer doing it for you? It might be time to give svaroopa yoga a try. This unique approach to yoga takes the standard repertoire of bikram and hatha poses and turns it on its head. The class is said to focus on the inner opening, or the release of the spinal tension that so frequently plagues members of today's stressed out society. This is accomplished through the use of a variety of standard poses, plus a renewed focus on achieving greater understanding and acceptance of your own inner nature.

Benefits of Svaroopa Yoga

Svaroopa yoga is not the ideal class to take if all you're looking for is a workout. Yes, regular attendance at svaroopa classes will eventually lead to a stronger, healthier body, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Ideally, the class will lead to a spiritual transformation, offering access to the very core of your inner being. Through gentle encouragement from your dedicated and knowledgeable instructor, you'll be able to let go of the mental chatter and anxiety that keeps you so uptight day in and day out. Freed of this stressful burden, you can take the peaceful feeling you experience in svaroopa yoga class and harness it as a means of improving all other facets of your daily life.

Svaroopa has received plenty of attention as of late, particularly from those more interested in the spiritual aspect of yoga as opposed to its physical and esthetic potential. Whether you're suffering from the physical or mental manifestations of anxiety, this unique approach to yoga will help you unleash your inner yogi and transform yourself into a stronger, kinder and wiser person.

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