Progressing in Your Yoga Practice

Image of a woman doing handstand.

Progress tends to occur rapidly when you first begin yoga classes. As you embrace yogic principles and become more flexible, you'll notice exciting changes in your body. Unfortunately, it's not unusual to feel that you aren't progressing as rapidly as you would like after you conquer basic poses. Fortunately, a few simple changes can help you improve and refine your technique.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It

It's true that the only way to get better at something is to do it often. When you set aside 15 to 30 minutes every day for yoga, you'll be stronger and more confident when performing your asanas. Adding a reminder to your phone or tablet will help you stick to the schedule.

Embrace a Slow and Steady Approach

Pushing yourself to master a difficult pose might seem to be a good idea when you haven't progressed quite as much as you had hoped. You might think the strategy makes sense, but your body probably won't agree. Pushing yourself too hard can cause muscle strains or tendon or ligament injuries that will keep you off your yoga mat for weeks. A gradual progression is much better for your body than a rapid one.

Don't Compare Yourself to Anyone Else

Some people master poses quickly, while others need a little extra time to become proficient at asanas. Yoga isn't about being better than anyone else, but is about being the best you can be. As long as you are making progress, even if it isn't quite as fast as you would like, you'll reap the many benefits yoga offers.

Use Props

Do you think using props is cheating? Props offer a simple way to deepen poses and perform poses that wouldn't be possible without a little help. In fact, it may be difficult to advance if you don't use props at least occasionally.

Master Meditation

It's not always easy to leave the world behind when you practice yoga. If you don't clear your mind, it may be more difficult to reach the next level in your practice. Practicing meditation whenever you can - when you get up in the morning, at lunch or while you're waiting in line at the grocery store - will make slipping into a meditative state second nature.

Mix It Up

Learning new poses or trying different forms of yoga offer learning opportunities that can help you advance. Getting bored with Hatha yoga? Enroll in Kundalini, Bikram or Vinyasa classes.

Ask for Help

Often, you only need to make a few adjustments to improve your asanas. Even if you practice yoga in front of a mirror, it still may be hard to tell if your technique needs some refinement. Your instructor can offer a few tips that will help you become stronger and more competent.

Do you feel like you're stuck in a yoga rut? Why not try a different type of yoga? Call us today and let us recommend a class for you.


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