Sense of Community in Yoga - The Problem with DIY Yoga

yoga friends

5 Benefits of Attending Yoga Classes

Unlike other forms of exercise, yoga can be performed practically anywhere there's a little space to unroll your mat. Although it may be more convenient at times to practice at home, taking classes at a local studio offers a few advantages that can enhance your yoga practice. You'll enjoy these five benefits when you add yoga classes to your calendar.

A Sense of Community

One of the best things about yoga is its ability to bring people together in pursuit of a common goal. If you only perform yoga at home, you'll miss out on the camaraderie and sense of community that tends to develop in studio classes. During classes, you'll establish meaningful connections with other students and share experiences as you progress in your yoga journey. Performing yoga with a group of like-minded people can have an energizing effect that lingers long after you've left class.

Experienced Instructors

As you try new poses, you're bound to encounter a few that challenge your abilities. In fact, you may soon decide to omit these asanas after a few unproductive attempts if you're performing yoga on your own. Yoga instructors use their experience and skills to help students find ways to succeed. Whether your instructor recommends a certain prop, offers suggestions that help you perfect your form or simply provides a little encouragement, you may discover that advancing in your yoga practice is easier when you attend studio classes taught by experienced instructors.

Plenty of Support from Your Classmates

Yoga classes offer judgment-free zones that encourage students to explore and take risks. Thanks to encouragement from your fellow students, you may find yourself attempting poses that you once thought were impossible. During classes, participants are encouraged to share strategies and offer insights and tips that may be helpful to the rest of the class.

Group activities, like yoga classes, may also offer some important mental health benefits. Medical students at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine reported less stress and increased mental, physical and emotional quality of life after taking part in group fitness classes.

Increased Motivation

Your home probably has a few temptations that make it difficult to stick to your do-it-yourself yoga schedule. After all, there's always something to clean or a new Netflix series to binge watch. You won't have to worry about distractions when you add yoga classes to your weekly schedule. Many people find that they're more likely to actually practice yoga when they make a commitment to attend classes.

The camaraderie you develop with your classmates and instructor is a great motivator for attending classes. When you truly enjoy the company of your fellow yoga afficionados, practicing yoga becomes a joy, not an obligation.

Reduced Your Risk of Injury

Although yoga doesn't include running, jumping or vigorous activities, you can get hurt if you don't perform poses correctly or push yourself too hard. Your instructor will help you avoid injury by offering corrections and suggestions that will protect your bones, joints and muscles. Thanks to his or her input, you'll be less likely to suffer a strain or sprain that will keep you out of class for weeks.

Have you been thinking about attending yoga classes? Yoga offers the perfect way to tone your body, reduce stress and chronic pain, and help you sleep better. We offer a variety of classes geared to beginners through advanced students. Contact us to enroll in a class.


Seattle Yoga News: Yoga in a Studio vs. Yoga at Home

Cleveland Clinic: How to Find the Best Yoga Class for You

Mindbodygreen: 6 Reasons to Practice Yoga at a Studio (Instead of with a Laptop), 2/22/15

Journal of the American Osteopathic Association: Effects of Group Fitness Classes on Stress and quality of Life of Medical Students, 11/17

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