• Kripalu

    In the 1960s, seekers of enlightenment turned to Indian gurus as Eastern spirituality was spreading to the West. Kripalu yoga came out of that movement. Read on to learn more about what Kripalu yoga is, what to expect at a class, and the benefits you can expect from practicing Kripalu yoga. What Is

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  • Kids Yoga

    Practicing yoga can help kids learn to enjoy exercise, improve confidence, and even increase a their ability to concentrate. The key is to keep it fun and light, and not to practice for longer than the child is interested. Children love poses with names that make sense to them or invoke a sense of play

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  • Barre

    Barre workouts -- it's the hot new trend in the world of yoga! But as great as these classes are for working the core and tightening up your physique, do they really qualify as yoga? Here's what you can expect when you step inside the welcoming environment of your average barre studio: Incorporation

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  • Kali Ray Tri Yoga

    Many of today's most popular yoga trends depart radically from the original practice that proved so mentally and physically beneficial. While hybrid classes such as aerial yoga and barre yoga can provide you with an additional challenge, thus staving off that dreaded workout plateau, there are times

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  • Iyengar

    Iyengar yoga was founded and is still taught by yoga guru B.K.S. Iyengar, who began his practice in the 1930s. Iyengar designed his signature Hatha yoga practice while battling tuberculosis and studied with Indian yogi Krishnamacharya, B.K.S. .This style of yoga stresses precision, alignment, and standing

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  • Integral

    Satchidananda Maharaj (Sri Gurudev), the founder of Integral Yoga, was a spiritual master and yoga adept. He became famous during his time in New York, which led to the birth of an entirely new system of yoga. After a life full of soul searching and studying with various yoga masters, Sri Gurudev created

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  • Ashtanga

    Ashtanga yoga is a form of yoga that aligns both breath and movement in synchronization of asanas (poses) into a rigorous flow sequence. The name Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga stands for the eight limbs mentioned in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The eight limbs are Yama (moral observance), Niyama (inner integrity),

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  • Meditation

    Yoga and meditation are inseparably linked. In fact, all forms of yoga can be thought of as meditation in motion; focusing on each breath and the movement into each pose (asana) focuses and quiets the mind from whatever is going on outside. In fact, for those who struggle with meditation on its own,

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  • Anusara

    Anusara yoga is unique because it is the first yoga school that does not come from India. In 1997, American John Friend founded Anusara, which means “flowing with grace” in Sanskrit, making it the most modern yoga school. Friend practiced Iyengar before founding his own yoga school. In 2012, Friend

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  • Ananda

    Ananda yoga is designed to harmonize your mind, body, and soul. It is generally regarded as one of the gentler forms of Hatha yoga. Although based on centuries old knowledge, it was founded in the 1960s by Swami Kriyananda, who followed Paramhansa Yogananda, the author of Autobiography of a Yogi, a classic

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  • Bikram

    The Bikram yoga style was developed by Bikram Choudhury, who derived a specific set of 26 poses from traditional Hatha yoga. These 26 poses are always done in the same order to enhance the physical benefits of going from one pose to the other. What Bikram yoga is most famous for, however, is the fact

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  • Kundalini

    Although Kundalini yoga has only been available in the West for a few years, the practice is much older than that and it includes the tenet of chanting. Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini yoga to the west in 1969 when he founded the 3HO (healthy, happy, holy) organization to introduce the practice to the

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  • Aerial

    The hot new trend in the world of yoga, aerial takes traditional poses to a whole new level, allowing participants to take on a degree of acrobatics rarely pursued in ordinary workouts. Although this variety of yoga is a better fit for more experienced yogis, it can, with the right modifications, be

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  • Yoga Styles

    Yoga practitioners of all skill level can find a class that allows them to hone their yoga mastery. Whether you are looking for an athletic experience, or a meditative slow-moving class -- a style of yoga exists to meet your needs. Aerial This aerobic form of yoga incorporates props such as fabric

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  • Yin

    Discover a world of yoga that focuses on balancing the body, mind and spirit. Yin yoga is the “quiet practice” – a deeply meditative practice that cultivates mindfulness and opens the body on the subtlest level. Poses, known as asanas, are typically held for 5 to 8 minutes. Practitioners come into

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  • Vinyasa

    If you're looking for a faster-paced approach to the standard hatha yoga class, you are likely an ideal candidate for vinyasa yoga. Otherwise referred to as yoga flow, vinyasa takes such standard exercises as the warrior and the sun salutation and infuses them with an ever-present sense of movement.

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