• Nadi Shodhana (Sweet Breath)

    Nadi Shodhana, also called “alternate nostril breathing,” is a yoga breathing exercise that is said to help balance and synchronize the right and left hemispheres of the brain and clear blocked energy channels in the body. It can help to calm and settle the mind, reduce stress levels and also helps

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  • Dirgha

    Dirgha pranayama or “three-part breathing” is usually one of the first breathing exercises new yogis learn. It is a great stress reliever, helping the mind to become calm, quiet and focused. This deep breathing exercise also flushes your internal organs with oxygen, which is often lacking during

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  • Ujjayi

    Mindful breathing is the foundation of yoga practice and Ujjayi (literally “victorious breath”) is just one of several breathing exercises that can help to clear the mind and improve your health. Ujjayi is often applied during the poses (asanas) of an Ashtanga or Vinyasa Yoga practice, or it can

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  • The Art of Breath

    Any experienced yogi can attest to the healing powers of breathing. While we breathe in and out each day with no thought, the act of controlled and conscious breathing lends itself to greater relaxation and a more meaningful meditation experience. As a part of the yogic tradition, pranayama (breathing)

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