• Choosing the Right Yoga Clothes

    Yoga, the union of mind and body, is achieved in part through practicing physical postures, which cultivate mind-body awareness. If the clothes you are wearing are too loose fitting or tight, however, you may find that you spend more time worrying about discomfort than actually enjoying your practice.

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  • Breaking Bad Habits With Yoga

    Human beings are creatures of habit. Thankfully, it is possible to change or reverse negative habits and actions over time — and regular yoga practice can help you do it. How Habits Are Formed, for Better or Worse Whether our habits are positive or negative ones, there is an explanation behind our

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  • Boost Your Energy with Yoga

    Feeling tired? Given our fast-paced, high-stress lives, it is natural to feel exhausted and depleted – even after a good night’s sleep. A regular yoga practice can help give your body an energy boost while calming your mind amidst daily chaos. More challenging yoga postures, such as inversions, boost

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  • Am I Too Old to Start Practicing Yoga?

    Would you like to start a yoga practice but are worried that you are too old? The good news is that whether you are nine years old or 90 years old, it is never too late to start a yoga practice. Yoga offers many important benefits for older individuals, including enhanced mobility and flexibility as

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  • All About Acroyoga

    If traditional forms of yoga are too sedate for you, acroyoga may be the perfect way to shake up your exercise routine. This relatively new form of yoga was created in 2006 and combines yoga with acrobatics. Participants work with partners to perform a variety of intricate poses. Although acroyoga does

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  • 5 Ways Yoga Can Change Your Life

    For many people, yoga is a modern-day symbol of wellness and serenity in a fast-paced world. In fact, more than 20 million Americans practice yoga — and they have good reason to do so. In addition to many unique spiritual benefits, including mindfulness, self-awareness and the ability to stay present,

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  • 5 Important Yoga Benefits for Men

    If you think yoga is just for women, you are mistaken. Yoga offers a host of physical and mental health benefits for everyone, from children to seniors — including men! Here are five important benefits that men can reap from stepping onto their mats and practicing yoga regularly. Strength Training While

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